yellow mm welding objectMM Welding Test set up


“We enable lightweight and multi-material designs and intelligent production processes for a more sustainable use of our planet's resources.”

Our vision

We are revolutionizing the fastening industry by creating the world's most innovative fastening technology platform.

MM-Welding Team photo

Our values





Want to join us on our mission?

We invite you to be a part of our ambitious journey to redefine the world of fastening technology. Here, your career is more than a job – it's an opportunity to make a significant impact in industries like automotive, aerospace, and beyond. Embrace the challenge of driving change and growth in a dynamic field, and explore the endless possibilities that await you at MultiMaterial-Welding AG.


Get to know our team

Meet our team of dedicated professionals at MultiMaterial-Welding AG, where diverse expertise and collaborative spirit come together. From industry experts to emerging talents, each member plays a key role in our journey. Visit our team page to learn about the people who contribute to our steady progress in the fastening industry.
